
Once upon a time there lived a cat and dog. One day the cat asked the dog to come over and hangout. Once the dog got to the cats house the cat told the dog something very important.

“Don’t eat my food!” said cat. The cat was going to go to the store. The cat asked the dog if he wanted to come. The dog said he would stay back.

“Ok “said cat “but don’t eat my food”.

“Don’t worry I won’t” said the dog. Just after the cat left he when and snuck some of the food. The dog thought the food was super tasty. He only ate a bit because he did not want the cat to notice. But when the cat got back she did notice. The cat found out almost instantaneously that the dog ate some of her food.

“YOU ATE MY FOOD” said cat angrily “cat food will make you really sick it’s not meant for dogs”. And the cat was right the dog did get sick but he learned his lesson.

3 thoughts on “Fable

  1. Dear Sierra
    I really like the last paragraph how the dog learnt his lesson to listen to what people have to say.

  2. Dear Sierra
    What are you going to write over the “Covid 19” home schooling time. I might write a story.

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