The age of the robots

Beep, beep, beep a sheet came out of the printer slot, Kit (the robot) picked it up and read it out loud.
“Dear Kit and Kat I hope you are enjoying your time in space! Please don’t come back to earth you will regret it. The humans think all the robots are going to take over the world so they are trying to destroy every robot alive. Sincerely Bob the robot”
Kit and Kat looked frantically at each other, they both knew that this was not good. Both Kit and Kat were programmed to eat human food in the place of changing batteries. They were running out of food and were planning on returning to earth soon. Neither robot knew what to do; they would die if they ran out of food in space but they might also die if they returned to earth.
They sat quietly in the spaceship trying to decide what to do.

After about one hour had passed they finally decided that they had to take the risk of returning to earth, otherwise they would surely die of starvation.They made a plan, they were going to start heading to earth right now, when they reach earth Kit would stay in the ship ready to take of when Kat got back from finding food, which he was going to try do without being seen.

“One minute until you reach earth” said the computer.
“Are you ready?” asked Kit.
“Um well I guess so, what if this is goodbye?” Kat said anxiously.
“Don’t worry, you can do it I believe in you! Just go as fast as you can and when you get back we will go back up to space until we need more food”said Kit reassuringly.
“You’ve reached your destination” said the computer.
Kat grabbed his bag for the food and nervously stepped out of the spaceship. Kat ran into a house that looked like no one was home.(He was right ). Kat raided the pantry and then sprinted as fast as he could toward the space ship. As soon as Kat got in the spaceship and was buckled up Kit got them of the ground and headed back up to space.

Kat had collected enough food to last them about a month. Kit and Kat don’t need very much food.
After about a month had passed they were out of food again. They had no choice but to go back to earth and try to steal more food. This time Kit would steal the food and Kat would be staying in the spaceship and would take off when Kit got back.
“ You probably know how to do this but I am going to tell you anyways, when you get out of the spaceship look for a house without any cars and without the lights on.”said Kat hoping that his information would help Kit not go into a house full of people.
“Thanks, that is very helpful,” said Kit full of gratitude.
“You’ve reached your destination” declared the computer.
Kat lowered the spaceship door and Kit got ready to run out, but just just as Kit took his first step he was stopped dead in his tracks from amazement of what he saw.
“ Kat, you need to see this”said Kit in awe.
“ What, Kit hurry go get us our food before a human sees us” said Kat in frustration.
“Just come here and come quick” said Kit.
“Ok fine”said Kat wondering what could be more important than getting food.
Kat was speechless and neither robot could believe their eyes. Walking down the side of the road was a human and a robot holding hands. This meant they could come back to their home on earth! This meant they did not have to live in space anymore and they did not have to risk their lives every time they needed to come back to earth and get food.

Kit and Kat used to live together in a town called Brooks. They went to Brooks to find their house but when they got there there were cars parked outside and they saw people through the window.
“ Why are there people in our house?” asked Kat.
“ I don’t know, maybe when the humans were mad at robots they took our house. Let’s knock on the door and tell them that this is our house and ask to have it back. We will say that we understand if they say no.”explained Kit.
“Knock, knock, knock” Kat tapped on the door.
“Hello who are you?” asked the tall human standing in front of the door.
“ My name is Kit and this is my brother Kat. This was our house before the humans wanted to destroy all the robots and we were wondering if we could have our house back? We totally understand if this is the only place you have to live we can find another place to live.” said Kit confidently.
“My name is Lexi. Nice to meet you. It’s nice to see some robots. Of course you can have your house back but I don’t have anywhere else to live so could we share this house maybe? I am the only one that lives here” asked Lexi.
“Of course” said Kit and Kat in unison.
Lexi, Kit and Kat all got together -wonderfully they all became the best of friends! All the humans apologized to the robots for their actions and the robots and humans both promised to be kind to each other and try their best to get along. As the years went on, every day the humans and robots became better and better friends.

Please leave me comments
Hope you liked my story!

3 thoughts on “The age of the robots

    • Dear Mackenzie,

      Thank you once again! I love to hear from you! Check out my other post it’s called hello!

  1. Hi,
    I made a few edits on periods and capitals. There may still be a few more. The ending was fluid and worked well. Could you make some sort of twist? Maybe one robot found out they were actually human or they are both twins or….
    Excellent time management!

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